Changes, changes, changes?
Earlier this week Facebook announced that it would 'finally' release the unlike button. Facebook was excited for this announcement. I personally feel like it is the biggest mistake ever! I think it will lead to even more internet bullying. First Facebook needs to get 'real users' numbers in I do not know anyone in my age group who still has a Facebook account. According to researchers younger users use Snapchat, Instagram, and other social sites. Then if Facebook acknowledges that some users have several pages,or they have pages for their pets, or even fake pages (for whatever reason). But Facebook truly got down to the actual active users the world would be shocked. I personally think that they know but they don't want to say so they wont lose sponsors, endorsers, and stock prices wont drop. I know when I did have a Facebook account one of the reasons I left was because it seemed everyday they changed something it it was becoming hard to navigate. They didn't care because they were on top of the world so thy ignored consumers complaints about the frequent changes. Also when inappropriate photos or things would float across my timeline and I would report it to Facebook they would always say the picture was okay and didn't violate any policies.
In the world of internet bullying and people being able to hide behind a computer this dislike button is bad news. It will make bullying that much easier. Maybe a teenager post a photo and class mates hit the dislike button, so the photo has more dislikes than likes. I would think that teenager would just delete their page. The same goes for businesses big or small. I would think a small business would be more inclined to just leave Facebook because of the negative publicity. So I think the dislike button will make a lot of users leave Facebook, either in anticipation of button or once they see the negativity of the new feature. Whomever at Facebook who came up with this concept is crazy. Although Facebook is marketing it as a way to show support like when someone dies or when someone post something sad. We all know it will quickly be misused. I will just sit back and watch, say no to the Facebook thumbs down icon.
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